Last updated 25-Jul-2002
- 15-Apr-2001: The file included with isapnptools-1.25
was originally for isapnptools-1.24, and hence the patches don't
apply cleanly in three cases. There is a update file available which
includes the three updated patch files, and a readme.txt file
describing the various batch files in more detail. This is only of
interest if you want to compile isapnptools-1.25 to real-mode DOS
programs. See also
for precompiled DOS realmode binaries.
- 14-Apr-2001: patch-1.24-1.25 (21k
gzipped) is now available to convert isapnptools-1.24 into
isapnptools-1.25. To apply, copy the file to the source top level
directory and type: 'zcat patch-1.24-1.25.gz | patch -sp1', then
build as normal.
- 11-Apr-2001: Version 1.25 has been released, this is mainly a bugfix release. The
main fix is to prevent -t option giving a segmentation violation.
See the changes. MD5 checksums of all the
files available. Use md5sum from
the GNU textutils package to check. I've also updated the FAQ to Revision 0.17.
- 21-Mar-2001: Jeremy Davis has supplied a patch to allow
isapnptools-1.24 to be compiled to a DOS real mode executable using
Borland's Turbo C/C++ v3. The patch is in Some of the
changes are general portability improvements, and will probably
appear in the next version. See also his
covering notes.
- 20-Feb-2001: Updated Redhat RPMS link.
- 17-Feb-2001: I've just discovered that updating awk broke my
mail to news script, so any queries have sent to since 20-Jan-2001 have been lost. I
think I've fixed it now, so please resend your message if still
relevant, and you wonder why my reply is taking so long. Quite a few
appeared to be spam which is why I was a little slow to catch on.
- 16-Feb-2001: improved(!) warning for spammers.
- 27-Jan-2001: restored lmh sites to point to ferret. Added linmodem link.
- 07-Jan-2001: removed sites.
- 06-Jan-2001: Version 1.24 has been released, this is mainly a bugfix release. It
includes the fixes of patch-1.23a, but implemented differently in
some cases. See the changes. MD5 checksums
of all the files available. Use
md5sum from the GNU textutils package to check. I've also
updated the FAQ to Revision 0.16.
- 06-Jan-2001: Added more pointers in the references.
- 04-Dec-2000: Added paragraph on the patches etc to the latest release section.
- 23-Nov-2000: The broken link to the isapnptools homepage in each
of the html-ized man pages has been fixed.
- 13-Aug-2000: For some, as yet unknown, reason, the acconfig.h file wasn't packaged up in the
release. Most people won't need it though, so you will probably only
need to fetch it if you are hacking the configuration scripts and
want to run 'autoheader'.
- 10-Aug-2000: During the rearrangement for 1.23, it appears the
fix of 30-Apr got lost. Another bug (confusion of -t and -o options)
was noticed by Pavel Roskin, and yet another (isapnp was nolonger
case insensitive) by Sergey Ostrovsky, here is patch-1.23a which sorts these out. To
apply, copy the file to the source top level directory and type:
'zcat patch-1.23a.gz | patch -sp1', then 'rm -f src/isapnp_main.c'
and build as normal.
- 26-Jul-2000: Version 1.23 has been released, this is mainly a package reorganisation
to use automake and autoconf (thanks to a prod from Alexandre
Dussart). It also includes the fix mentioned below on 30-Apr-2000,
and another tweak to resources.c (thanks Alan Webb) so that the -c
option to pnpdump should work better. See the changes. MD5 checksums of all the files available. Use md5sum from the GNU
textutils package to check.
- I've also updated the FAQ to Revision 0.15.
- 26-Jul-2000: Old news and changes removed.
- 30-May-2000: Fixed previous two latest news years ! Fixed HTML.
- 30-Apr-2000: A bug has been reported in version 1.22, giving
errors compiling against glibc-2.1. Just change stdout to NULL on
line 64 of pnpdump_main.c for now. Patches/new release in due
course. Some improvements to resource allocation have also been
submitted, which I shall be investigating.
- 20-Apr-2000: Version 1.22 has been released, this includes the two patches to 1.21,
and also pushes the isapnp and pnpdump code into the library. See
the changes. MD5 checksums of all the files
are no longer available. Use md5sum from the GNU textutils
package to check.
- I've also updated the FAQ to Revision 0.14,
update RPM link and added a useful link to the
Linux Journal online article on configuring PnP cards.
- 27-Jan-2000: Omer Zak has contributed a patch to make version 1.21b. This fixes
a problem in the library API where 'No boards found' would call
exit() rather than returning a suitable error code. This patch
should be applied after patch-1.21a below.